A Gravity Barrier case study
501 Lakeshore
501 Lakeshore is a 15-acre “big box” development in Port Credit, Ontario, that includes two new mixed-use retail buildings. Due to the close proximity of this new development to existing residences, various noise control measures were required in order to meet compliance with MOECC NPC 300.
Project Challenges

The fabrication and delivery schedule for this project required 34 acoustic rooftop barriers to be installed in 34 days. Our team had to work quickly and efficiently to complete the project on time and on budget. This involved refining the standard Parklane gravity barrier design to accommodate a custom, yet streamlined, delivery of the solution. A design scope of this magnitude would have typically required several months to complete.
Barrier Heights
This job pushed the envelope on the generally accepted height limitations for Gravity Barriers, with some barriers coming in at well over 10 feet above the roof’s surface.

Project Solution
For a large job like this we always try to simplify logistics by standardizing the various components as much as possible. But since each barrier experienced different dynamic loading conditions, standardization posed a unique challenge. Using advanced 3D-modelling techniques, we were able to manipulate our 3” panel barrier design to overcome this obstacle. The high turn-over (flipping) and sliding forces due to the barrier height were addressed by using an innovative rigid-body structural design that transferred these wind-induced loads to the base footings and rigid tie-back points (allowing for barrier heights up to 126” tall).
Standard barrier design and fabrication can be a time-intensive process. An innovative design approach allowed the barrier assemblies to be divided into multiple high-production subassemblies that could easily be bolted together. These ‘modules’ were carefully engineered to ensure we weren’t sacrificing quality/structural integrity while compressing the delivery schedule.

Results - 34 barriers in 34 days
Barrier assembly began on July 13th , with final touchups applied August 31st . Fabrication: 19 days. Installation: 11 days. Touch-ups: 4 days. Total time: 34 days. Through close collaboration with the general contractor and all project stakeholders, the Parklane team successfully delivered the complete project scope on time and on budget.

Let's work together
Contact a member of our team now to find out how Parklane can help provide an effective, customized solution to your organization’s noise control challenges.