Noise control tailored to your needs
Acoustic Enclosures
Among the most versatile noise control solutions, acoustic enclosures are implemented when complete system shielding is required to address site-specific noise level criteria. PMA Acoustic Enclosures are engineered to provide guaranteed sound levels, mitigating both total system sound power and structure-borne vibration transmission.
PMA Acoustic Enclosures can be fully customized to integrate to varying site and equipment arrangements, architectural facades and mechanical system operations.

Field-Fit Integration
PMA Enclosures can be easily designed to seamlessly accommodate as-built field conditions.
Collaborative System Design
Through advanced 3D modelling practices, PMA Enclosures can be designed as an integral addition to any OEM equipment arrangement.
Forced Air Ventilation
Internal system ventilation is designed to provide calculated air exchanges through the enclosure, without compromising acoustic performance.
Integral Structure
Structural support can be designed integral to the enclosure body to support against various environmental load conditions.
Customized Access
Various means of STC-rated access and egress can be accommodated to suit equipment and/or site specific requirements.
Engineered Acoustic Panel
The make-up of each acoustic enclosure panel is specifically designed to achieve the required insertion loss measured exterior to the unit.
Custom Material Selection and Finish
Virtually limitless casing material options are available for selection based on environmental conditions, cost efficiency and architectural appeal.
Modular vs. Knock-Down Delivery
Enclosures can be delivered as knock-down kits, or as a monolithic modular system.
Tongue and Groove
PMA T&G Acoustic Enclosures are made up of PMA’s Absorptive Acoustic Panel. The T&G system is selected in circumstances where enclosures can be shipped and installed in one complete assembly, or must be shipped in loose knock-down panels for transportation to site. The T&G Enclosure style offers a cost-effective solution, while still providing high levels of customizability and sleek architectural finish.
Bolt-Up Modular
The PMA Modular Acoustic Enclosure is designed to accommodate processes that may require periodic disassembly for system maintenance or component replacement. Pre-fabricated wall sections are delivered with all functional elements factory installed, thereby eliminating any on-site flashing or modification during the final assembly.
Clam Shell
The PMA Clamshell Enclosure is specifically designed to seamlessly enclose a mechanical system with inlet and outlet piping already in place. The clamshell assembly is typically shipped in two half sections, with a split line run along the axis of flow. Connection between the two enclosure sections is achieved through a bolted mating flange or industrial clamp assembly.
Snap-Tight Modular
The PMA Snap-Tight Modular Enclosure is a variation of the Bolt-Up Modular model, designed for smaller equipment applications that require frequent disassembly of the enclosure. Wall sections are shipped factory finished and connected via quick-release industrial clamps.
Absorptive – PMA Absorptive Acoustic Panels consist of free draining, non-combustible acoustic media, embedded between a solid sheet metal top skin and perforated metal back skin (steel gauges vary based on application). Conventional profiles are a nominal 2” – 6”.
High Transmission Loss – the PMA-HTL Panel contains added layers of mass to introduce increased transmission loss through the panel medium.
Constrained Layer Dampened – PMA-CLD Panels incorporate a decoupled exterior skin through a constrained damped layer membrane between the two mediums. CLD panels are used when there is a considerable amount of structure-borne vibration transmitted into the panel.
Thermally Broken – PMA-TB Panels facilitate a complete thermal break through the panel body. PMA-TB Panels are more commonly implemented in systems requiring thermal separation between spaces.
- Source sound power and required mitigated levels
- Motor horsepower or heat rejection
- Dimensional constraints
- Future maintenance access requirements
- Site location
- Architectural/material requirements
Acoustic Enclosure Applications

Centrifugal Exhaust Fan

PMA Tongue & Groove
- Pre-finished painted body
- Hinged and removable acoustic access to all critical mechanical components
- Silenced forced-air ventilation system
- Integrated exhaust silencer for mitigation of fan outlet

Diesel Generator Outdoor

PMA Bolt-Up Modular
Commercial – Peak Power Shaving
- Pre-finished painted body
- Modular drop-over design
- Watertight roof system
- Integrated electrical rough-in and combustion exhaust system

Automotive Parts Press

PMA Bolt-Up Modular
Industrial – Automotive
- Custom factory painted body
- Acoustic roll-up door
- Hinged acoustic access to all critical mechanical components
- Silenced forced-air ventilation system
- Custom shipping frame work for large modular assemblies

Positive Displacement Blower (Outdoor)

PMA Clamshell
Industrial – Water Treatment
- Pre-finished painted façade – Bone White Finish
- Watertight Roof System
- Hinged and removable acoustic access to all critical mechanical components
- Silenced forced-air ventilation system
- Integral structural frame system for elevated wind and snow load conditions

Positive Displacement Blower (Outdoor)

PMA Clamshell
Industrial – Water Treatment
- Pre-finished painted façade – White White Finish
- Watertight Roof System
- Hinged acoustic access to all critical mechanical components
- Silenced forced-air ventilation system

Positive Displacement Blower (Indoor)

PMA Clamshell
Industrial – Food Production
- Pre-finished painted façade – Bone White Finish
- Hinged acoustic access to all critical mechanical components
- Silenced forced-air ventilation system

Garage Ventilation Well (Outdoor)

PMA Tongue & Groove
Institutional – Healthcare
- Roof-mounted turning vein silencer
- Bolt-up plug panels for cost effective access
- Unit shipped assembled for quick installation

Sifting Machine (Indoor)

PMA Snap-Tight
Industrial – Food Production
- 316 SS 4B Polished Finish
- Sliding acoustic roof hatch
- Full perimeter hinged access
- Quick release assembly for each wall and roof section

Natural Gas Generator (Indoor)

PMA Tongue & Groove
Institutional – Healthcare
- Pre-finished painted façade – White White Finish
- Removable roof section over engine cylinders
- Seismically rated structure
- Components factory-customized, but shipped knock down for assembly in a basement level mechanical room
- Ventilation system designed to be supplied through exiting building HVAC system
Because mechanical noise issues should never be a distraction
Contact a member of our team now to find out how Parklane can help provide an effective, customized solution to your organization’s noise control challenges.