
What is Sound?

Sound is the name that we give acoustic energy, and while the study of acoustics is complex, conversations about it don’t have to be.   Acoustic energy causes an object to vibrate, and when it does, it creates fluctuations in atmospheric pressure surrounding it—like a tuning fork. Atoms and molecules surrounding the object become excited …

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bus at a transit centre where roof screens are installed

Transit centre project a reminder that roof screens are one part of a complete noise mitigation system

It’s easy to look at noise mitigation components in isolation. A silencer, an acoustic plenum or roof screens could all be regarded as a standalone solution to a sound emission problem. In some cases, they are. But mostly they’re critical parts of a wider noise control system. That’s especially true of roof screens, which are …

Transit centre project a reminder that roof screens are one part of a complete noise mitigation system Read More »